Specialist in Endodontics, Private Practice, Hertfordshire and London, Consultant in Endodontics, Department of Conservative Dentistry, Guy’s Hospital, London
Bhavin graduated from Guy’s Hospital in 1999. Following vocational training and a year as a senior house officer at Birmingham Dental Hospital, he spent 5 years working in general dental practice in central London. In 2005, Bhavin started training to become a specialist in endodontics at Guy’s Hospital.
Bhavin achieved a master’s with distinction in clinical dentistry and Endodontology and went on to gain membership in Restorative Dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
In 2009, he was accepted on the GDC specialist register for endodontics. During his postgraduate studies, Bhavin was awarded research grants by The Royal College of Surgeons and the British Endodontic Society.
Bhavin has contributed to several dental textbooks, including the ‘Adhesive Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth’ and ‘Pitt Ford’s Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology’. He has also written in several peer-reviewed endodontic journals.
Bhavin is a consultant in endodontics at Guys Hospital, London, where he is involved in postgraduate training. He is also active in educating new graduates and general dental practitioners.
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“As an oral surgeon out of general dental practice for almost a decade, this course was an eye-opener, refreshers and confidence booster all in one. There was great coverage theoretically and practically would highly recommend this course for GDP of all levels!”

“As an oral surgeon out of general dental practice for almost a decade, this course was an eye-opener, refreshers and confidence booster all in one. There was great coverage theoretically and practically would highly recommend this course for GDP of all levels!”