Duration:2 Days
CPD:12 hours
Full Price:£999
Early Bird Price:£899
Course overview
This two day course is aimed at providing General Dental Practitioners further knowledge on and experience with surgical periodontal treatment.
A large proportion of each day will be hands on practical sessions where you will also be improving your general surgical skills. During the hands-on element there will be opportunity to practice surgical techniques on gingival tissues.
Timings for each day
Arrival & Registration 09:15 – 09:30 (Day 1)
Course starts 09:30 prompt
Course finishes about 16:30
Learning objectives
Delegates will be able to understand:
- Understand the principles of non-surgical periodontal treatment
- Improve clinical results
- Improve their skills with hand and ultrasonic instrumentation
- Improve communication with periodontal patients
- Understand the rationale, indications and principles for basic periodontal surgery
- Introduce the principles of regenerative and mucogingival surgery into their practice
- Understand the principles of the biological width and crown lengthening
- Gain hands on surgical experience with pocket reduction, crown lengthening, regenerative and mucogingival surgery.
Course Dates
Meet the Tutor

Dhru Shah
Specialist in Periodontics – BDS MClinDent (Perio) M Perio RCS (Edin)

Dr Rupal Patel
Specialist in Periodontics BDS (Hons), MClinDent (Perio), MPerio RCS(Ed) Specialist in Periodontics GDC No. 83773
Download the Brochure
Download the facilities brochure to discover more about LonDEC’s training suite.


“As an oral surgeon out of general dental practice for almost a decade, this course was an eye-opener, refreshers and confidence booster all in one. There was great coverage theoretically and practically would highly recommend this course for GDP of all levels!”

“As an oral surgeon out of general dental practice for almost a decade, this course was an eye-opener, refreshers and confidence booster all in one. There was great coverage theoretically and practically would highly recommend this course for GDP of all levels!”