Professor Peter Parashos graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1980 and obtained his MDSc in 1989 and PhD in 2004. He is a fellow of the Royal Australasian of College of Dental Surgeons, the American College of Dentists, the International College of Dentists, and Foundation Fellow of the International Association for Dental Traumatology. He was the Chair of Endodontics, Convenor of Postgraduate Endodontics and Head of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Melbourne until 2021. He has an extensive background in private Endodontic practice and is actively involved in CPD programmes in endodontics. He has published some 140 papers in peer-reviewed international journals including 2 book chapters. His main current role is as Acting Convenor of Postgraduate Endodontics at the University of Melbourne.
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“As an oral surgeon out of general dental practice for almost a decade, this course was an eye-opener, refreshers and confidence booster all in one. There was great coverage theoretically and practically would highly recommend this course for GDP of all levels!”

“As an oral surgeon out of general dental practice for almost a decade, this course was an eye-opener, refreshers and confidence booster all in one. There was great coverage theoretically and practically would highly recommend this course for GDP of all levels!”