Chris Dickinson has worked in special care dentistry in primary and secondary care, offering sedation to patients for over 30 years.
He spent 13 years in the community dental service, starting as a dental officer with Camden and Islington CDS and ending as deputy clinical director of Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth CDS.
During this time, he sat on the JNF of CCCDS and was involved in initial working groups when special care dentistry was first proposed as a specialty.
Chris is on the GDC specialist lists for special care dentistry and prosthodontics. His GSTT treatment clinics cover all areas of sedation and special care dentistry with a special interest in restorative care for patients with epidermolysis bullosa, severe medical conditions, extreme phobia and gagging problems.
Chris is now a senior specialist clinical Teacher for King’s College London Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Craniofacial Sciences (KCL).
He teaches and examines KCL undergraduates and postgraduates in restorative, sedation and special care dentistry.
He was the course organiser for the year-5 undergraduate sedation course for 10 years, and the programme lead for the postgraduate diploma in conscious sedation for dentistry between 2014 and 2021. He is now a module author, assessor and tutor in special care dentistry with the distance learning MClinDent programme in prosthodontics at KCL.
Externally, Chris has taught various special care topics, including sedation, BLS and medical emergencies in dentistry for ORE, MJDF and the local deanery. He has also taught overseas postgraduate groups and spent 15 years as a tutor on the national sedation courses for the Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry (SAAD).
Chris sits on national committees for BSDH and DSTG.
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“As an oral surgeon out of general dental practice for almost a decade, this course was an eye-opener, refreshers and confidence booster all in one. There was great coverage theoretically and practically would highly recommend this course for GDP of all levels!”

“As an oral surgeon out of general dental practice for almost a decade, this course was an eye-opener, refreshers and confidence booster all in one. There was great coverage theoretically and practically would highly recommend this course for GDP of all levels!”